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Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Can premature aging be reversed?

Many factors contribute to premature aging, such as sun damage, illness, stress, and products that we use. There are also steps you can take to keep your skin looking healthy and young. Your daily skincare regimen is of utmost importance. Using products that are non-abrasive, gentle, and effective are the first steps in treating aging skin. Plus, keeping your muscles toned and circulation moving throughout your skin, weekly, is key to nourishing and healing premature aging skin. So, yes, you can reverse premature aging skin!


What causes acne?

The number one cause of acne is puberty and improper skincare. Using products with ingredients that have anti-inflammatory properties, are pH balanced, and have the ability to increase circulation such as Niacin, Vitamin E, Avena Sativa Kernel Extract, and Allantoin, to name a few are just what GM Revolution products provide. The importance of using the proper skincare is essential to assist in the healing of the skin. Poor eating habits, not drinking enough water, and extreme stress will also contribute to acne. Being aware of your lifestyle and diligent in your daily skincare routine are two key components to achieving healthy skin!

Oily Skin

Oily skin is healthy skin.

Oily skin is young skin. It is greasy skin we want to avoid. Using products that strip the skin of its natural oil will only create more issues. Proper cleansing and weekly facial masks will help to control excess oil.
Holistic tip: Apply Corn Starch after cleansing in the evening. Corn Starch absorbs. So while we sleep, the excess oil will be absorbed into the corn starch and stay off of your skin!

Dry Skin

How do you know if your skin is dry?

If you are experiencing flaky, itchy, cracked skin, then most likely you have dry skin. Usually, this is caused by conditions such as cold or hot weather temperatures. Dry skin is not a serious condition unless there are other underlying contributing factors. Medical conditions, certain medications, and vitamin deficiencies can cause the skin to dry. Using the proper skincare to support your skin’s natural moisture system is the first step in keeping your skin hydrated!

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